啟示錄 13:3,6
啟示錄 13:3 我看見獸的七頭中,有一個似乎受了死傷,那死傷卻醫好了。全地的人都希奇跟從那獸, 13:6 獸就開口向上帝說褻瀆的話,褻瀆上帝的名並他的帳幕,以及那些住在天上的。 13: 獸、魔鬼的數 3: 三位一體的神...
Let me share my journey with the Lord Jesus Christ as I go. He is my great shepherd and I shall not want.
Come join me at the Rivers of Living Water. Let us draw near to Him with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind.