“Then the LORD spoke to Aaron, “Behold, I have given you charge of the contributions made to me, all the consecrated things of the people of Israel. I have given them to you as a portion and to your sons as a perpetual due.”
Numbers 18:8
Then the LORD spoke to Aaron, “Behold, I have given you charge
“Consecrate to me all the firstborn. Whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast, is mine.”
Exodus 13:2
“I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you. For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me. I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.”
John 17:6-9
“Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die.”
Ezekiel 18:4
The contributions made to me H8641: a present; heave offering ; to be high actively to rise or raise.
All the consecrated things H6944: a sacred place or thing.
“In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required. Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me: I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.’”
Psalm 40:6-8
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Colossians 3:2
I have given them to you as a portion
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.”
John 21:15-17
As a portion (KJV: by reasons of the anointing)
Anointing H4888: unction; to rub with oil; to paint.
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:18-19
And to your sons
“And anoint them, as you anointed their father, that they may serve me as priests. And their anointing shall admit them to a perpetual priesthood throughout their generations.”
Exodus 40:15
Perpetual H5769: eternity
Due H2706: an enactment; an appointment; decree; task.
“The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind, ‘You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.’”
Psalm 110:4