數學:祂是∞; 以賽亞書 55:9 天怎樣高過地,照樣,我的道路高過你們的道路;我的意念高過你們的意念。 物理:祂有量子觀察者效應;祂超越時空; 詩篇 18:25 慈愛的人,你以慈愛待他;完全的人,你以完全待他。 18:26 清潔的人,你以清潔待他;乖僻的人,你以彎曲待他。...
Let me share my journey with the Lord Jesus Christ as I go. He is my great shepherd and I shall not want.
Come join me at the Rivers of Living Water. Let us draw near to Him with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind.